What is Voice to Email?
Follow up from anywhere with voicemail
that goes straight to your inbox.
Voice to Email captures voicemail and sends the audio file straight to your email inbox. This gives you the flexibility to listen to voicemail and follow up from any device or location. Or forward it on to a team member.
Our clients love that they’re not tied to an office phone for voicemails. And their customers love getting faster follow up. It’s better for your customers and your staff.
Why use Voice to Email?
Voicemail at your fingertips.

Be location independent
All you need is a laptop or smartphone with internet access. You can play back your messages anywhere you go. Perfect for frequent travellers or employees who sometimes work from home.

Boost your productivity
Clear your inbox and voicemail at the same time. You can follow up missed calls straight away or easily forward the message to a team member. Plus you never have to worry about a full answering machine again.

Delight your customers
Hear and respond to voicemails as quickly as to any other communications. You can even set voicemail to go to multiple email accounts, to keep your entire team in the loop.
How does it work?
Your voicemail messages delivered to your inbox.
Who uses Voice to Email?
For businesses with employees who travel
and handle calls away from the office.

Zintel Customer Case Study
Victor runs a PC repair business and answers calls from his 1800 number on his mobile. This is perfect because he’s often out and about when he gets a call. But if he can’t pick up straight away, he doesn’t want his customers to end up at his personal voicemail.
So, Victor sets up our Call Overflow and Voice to Email features. When he misses a 1800 business call, it goes to a separate voicemail. Voice to email converts the message into a .wav file and emails it to Victor. Now he can easily find and follow up on any missed calls. He’s increased his conversion rate and response times, and his customers are confident he’ll get back to them quickly.
Victor's Zintel Plans
Plan Type | Plus Value Plan |
Voice to Email Feature | Included |
This Feature also works well with:
Need help getting started? Call us on 1800 946 835
Features Compatibility
Compatibility with inbound numbers.
1300 Number
A 1300 number is more memorable, more professional, and more attractive for prospective customers.
Learn more1800 Number
A 1800 number gives your business a greater competitive edge, enabling your customers to call you toll-free.
Learn moreSmart Number
Smart Number are 1300 numbers, 1800 numbers or 13 numbers followed by a word, such as 1300 zintel or 1800 service.
Learn moreLocal Virtual Number
Local numbers allow you to tailor your phone number for different geographic locations, so you appear as a local wherever you advertise.
Learn moreNeed help getting started? We’re always here to help
Frequently Asked Questions.
Yes. You can set up to 3 email addresses for each mailbox.
Yes. But you’ll need a separate mailbox if you’d like to play different Voicemail messages for each of your numbers.
All other features
Other tools that will transform your business.

We’re always here to help.
See how your business can benefit from Voice to Email