What Can Digital Experience (DX) Do For Your Business?

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What Can Digital Experience (DX) Do For Your Business?

‘Digital Experience’ has become something of a buzz phrase in the business world lately. But what does it really refer to? And how can it boost or improve your business?

Let’s delve into the concept of Digital Experience to find out exactly what it means, what its advantages are, and how you can action it within your business.

What is Digital Experience (DX)?

On its most basic level, Digital Experience really refers to customer experience. It is the way in which customers, clients or users of a service interact with its digital or online aspects. Digital Experience also involves the automation and digitisation of processes and services.

Nowadays, every business must have a Digital Experience strategy. This strategy must define and provide a consistent digital experience for your customers, meeting and exceeding their expectations by integrating digital components throughout every aspect of your business.

The customer must be at the centre of every Digital Experience strategy. Every business must ask questions like, ‘How can we improve the customer experience?’ and ‘How can we better meet our customers’ needs?’

Most established businesses aren’t born with a Digital Experience strategy already in place. To take advantage of DX, many companies will need to undergo digital transformation.

What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation refers to the process of reinventing or reimagining a business process in order to incorporate digital solutions. But it’s not as straightforward as simply digitising some documents and automating some manual processes. Digital transformation involves rethinking your business solutions from the ground up.

A typical business will go through four distinct stages in the digital transformation process. It will begin at the first stage as a paper-based manual business, and by digitising documents and processes will move onto the second stage: paperless manual. After this, stage three is achieved by automating processes to become a paperless, automated business.

The fourth and final stage is a little more complicated. It involves reimagining your business as a ‘born digital’ offering – that is, as if your business was initially created with a complete Digital Experience in mind, rather than just adapting and transforming certain elements.

What are the advantages of DX?

The advantages of implementing DX are numerous. As well as increasing convenience and improving workflow for your day-to-day business operations, DX can increase revenue while simultaneously decreasing costs. And, of course, by implementing DX you’ll gain the most significant advantage of all: providing an effective, competitive and desirable service for your customers.

As we mentioned above, the main things the Digital Experience focuses on are improving the customer experience and better meeting customers’ needs. By implementing DX and achieving both of these outcomes, your business will gain a significant advantage in today’s competitive marketplace.

DX is the heart of business, and as technology only continues to grow and develop, consumers will demand more and more digital offerings. Implementing DX now will lead to significant long-term benefits for any business, helping you keep up with – and stand out from – your competitors.

How do I action it?

To action DX, your business will need to undertake a digital transformation like the one we mentioned above. Depending on the type of business and the level of digitisation and automation it currently employs, you may not need to undergo every stage in the process. However, you will need to re-evaluate your business’ aims and goals in terms of the customer experience, transforming your services to incorporate a complete Digital Experience.

There are a few simple measures you can take to begin your digital transformation. For instance, digital forms, electronic document submissions, and wholly online versions of processes usually carried out in person are good areas to start your digital journey.

Think about it: if a customer can use an app, for example, to do what they would once have had to do in person, they’re going to see a significant benefit and convenience factor to your business that will enhance their entire experience.


Now that you understand what Digital Experience really means, and what it can do for your business, it’s time to act. Implementing a digital transformation strategy now will get your business on the road to prosperity, success and longevity before you know it.